Now that Alabama has passed legislation to legalize medical marijuana, it may be time to reconsider your stance on cannabis. Marijuana is medicine, and having your Alabama medical card will allow you to access cannabis to provide natural relief for a myriad of symptoms and conditions. Because medical marijuana is regulated by the state government, you can rest assured knowing your cannabis is safe to consume.
Medical Marijuana Is Safe, Natural Medicine
It’s called “medical marijuana” for a reason. Cannabis is medicine - plain and simple. As a matter of fact, it is currently ONLY legal in Alabama for medicinal use. In order to legally purchase marijuana in the state, you’ll need a valid medical card, which you can only get after going through an evaluation with a physician.
Medical marijuana is state regulated to ensure safety and quality standards. Before cannabis was legal, the only way to get it was to purchase it on the unregulated black market, leaving patients vulnerable to unsafe, low quality cannabis, not to mention potential legal ramifications.
Now that cannabis is legal, you will soon be able to purchase it at licensed facilities. You can expect the first medical marijuana dispensaries in the state to open sometime in 2023. You’ll be able to rest assured that the cannabis you purchase in these facilities meets the strict safety and quality standards set forth by the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission.
Is It Time to Break-up With Your Dealer?
Let’s get real - although medical marijuana just became legal in Alabama, it’s not like cannabis hasn’t been available to those willing to purchase it on the black market. Up to this point, the only option many Alabamians have had when it comes to getting the natural relief that cannabis provides is to purchase it illegally from a dealer.
Now that medical marijuana is legal, it may be time to consider ending that relationship. There are a lot of reasons to stop purchasing black market cannabis. Medical marijuana is regulated to ensure it meets safety and quality standards. Black market cannabis has no such guarantee. It’s illegal, and even if you trust your dealer, you can never be absolutely certain of what you are getting. Plus, there’s no need to risk getting into legal trouble for purchasing marijuana on the streets when you’ll be able to walk into a dispensary and buy it legally.
Alabama residents who have their medical card can purchase cannabis strains with clear information regarding THC content. Plus, you’ll be able to talk shop with a budtender at your local dispensary who is an expert in marijuana. They’ll be able to recommend a wide array of flower products, not to mention vapes, edibles, tinctures, topicals, and more. Simply put, medical marijuana is better.
You’re Never Too Old for Relief
If you are a senior citizen, you may want to consider adding cannabis to your treatment plan. If you do, you’ll be in good company. More senior citizens than ever before are enjoying the relief that medical marijuana provides.
The way the public views medical marijuana use is changing. After all, cannabis is legal medicine. That means it’s safe and regulated by the government to ensure that it meets strict quality standards. The reason so many senior citizens are using medical marijuana is because it works! Simply put, cannabis can help give relief to many different issues and symptoms that seniors may face, which affect the quality of their daily lives.
As we age, our bodies may slow down, but that doesn’t mean they have to stop. Medical marijuana can alleviate many of the issues that often leave older individuals feeling like they are spectators, rather than participants in their own lives.
Make Your Plans Now
When Alabama’s first dispensaries open next year, you’ll want to be ready. Now is a great time to research how medical marijuana can help with the symptoms and medical conditions that you face . Cannabis is helping patients across the world with hundreds of conditions. You may be surprised to discover how it can help you.
Now is the perfect time to reserve an appointment with a marijuana physician to see if you qualify for a medical marijuana card. Then, when Alabama dispensaries open their doors, you can be one of the first in the state to experience the relief you deserve.
Ready for Safe, Natural Relief?
If you’re ready to experience the difference that medical marijuana can make and get the relief you deserve, you’ll need your Alabama medical marijuana card.
Reserve an evaluation online today with one of our compassionate cannabis doctors, and as soon as the rules for the state’s medical marijuana plan are finalized, our medical staff will be ready to help you see if you qualify.
We’ll make an appointment for you just as soon as we’re cleared to, and you and your new doctor will discuss your conditions and whether you qualify for an Alabama Marijuana Card. And if you make your reservation online today, you’ll even save $25 off the cost of your evaluation!
Doctors Who Care.
Relief You Can Trust.
At Alabama Marijuana Card, our mission is helping everyone achieve wellness safely and conveniently through increased access to medical marijuana. Our focus on education, inclusion, and acceptance will reduce the stigma for our patients by providing equal access to timely information and compassionate care.
If you have any questions, call us at (833) 781-5633, or simply reserve a medical marijuana evaluation to start getting relief you can trust today!
Check out Alabama Marijuana Card’s Blog to keep up to date on the latest medical marijuana news, tips, and information.